Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lookin Good There Ginger!

Day 7, 8 & 9.

Ok, ok, the red headed girl above is a pretty woman indeed. But this isn't exactly the type of ginger I am referring to here. Take a look at the picture posted below. It is a root. A ginger root. Today I'm going to touch a little on the power of the ginger root and why the Chinese swear by this root.

Ok so what's up with this stuff? What is it? Where does it come from? Why should we incorporate fresh ginger into our daily regiment of eating?

To start, the nutritional value of this root is for about 2 grams you're looking at about 2 cal for this little thing. That's like a tsp of the stuff. It's kinda sweet tasting, pungent almost. It's a great add for stir fry dishes with vegetables. Hence why it's so nice with your vegetable smoothie. But what is it exactly? 

It's a fix for everything from nausea, gastrointestinal relief, anti-inflammatory effects, colorectal cancer fighting abilities, ovarian cancer cell fighting abilities, immune enhancement. Overall, this stuff is good for your body!

Cultivated in South Asian, this stuff has spread out to East Africa and the Caribbean.  You can boil the stuff to make a nice ginger tea, then add a little honey and a slice of orange or lemon for something different and healthy for you!

Here, you can click on this link and shoot over to a site that has more information than I can give to you on one page. Click Here! 

So to fill you in on the weight aspect of my smoothie-ing. As yesterday marked my 7th day smoothie-ing, I started at 261LBS. I weigh 253LBS today. Yesterday evening I would have killed someone for a hamburger however. Or a steak. I came home last night and make a smoothie. I did cave a little, I had celery sticks (3) with about 1 tsp of organic peanut butter last night as a little treat. 


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